Variables - A way to store a value.

Data Types - There are many ways to store data like lists and integers.

Assignment Operators - Assignment operators are ways to compare variables.

Managing Complexity with Variables:

Lists - Variable type to store a series of values.

2D Lists - A list inside of a list.

Dictionaries - A collection of keys and values.

Class - The template for a definition of a method or function.

Algorithms - A set of rules in a program

Sequence - Logical steps in a program that are to be executed in order.

Selection - Selection can be seen in if statements where the computer has to decide between choices.

Iteration - Repeating a process for a certain amount of repetitions.

Expressions - A combination of values and functions that are combined and interpreted to create a new value.

Comparison Operators - Comparing two values (like =, <, >, ≤, ≥)

Booleans Expressions and Selection - Using booleans to select subsets of data.

Booleans Expressions and Iteration - Using booleans to iterate through a loop.

Truth Tables - A truth tables lists all the possible truth values depending on the logical operator.

Strings - A type of variable that stores a series of letters

Length - The length of something like a list is how many elements are present in the list.

Concatenation - Combining 2 or more strings together.

Upper - The maximum value.

Lower - The minimum value

Traversing Strings - Going through every character in a string.

Python If - An if statement is a conditional statement where the code following it will only be run if the codition is met

Elif - This is similar to an if statement but it is only used after an if statement.

Else conditionals - If the condition for an if statement is not met and an else statement is present directly after, the else statement will be run.

Nested Selection Statements - When one statement is dependent on if the other statement is run.

For loops - A for loop is a loop a repeats for a certain number of times

While loops - While loops loop through the code inside them until the condition is false.

Break - When a break statement is run, the loop is exited.

Continue - When a continue statement is run, the next iteration of the loop is run.

Procedural Abstraction:

Python Def procedures - A procedure is a group of code that is given a name that works together to serve a purpose.

Parameters - A parameter is something that a function needs to take in to work properly.

Return Values - This is something that a function returns to be used later in a program.