
  • A computing innovation includes a program as an integral part of its function
  • A computing innovation can be physical, nonphysical computing software, or a nonphysical computing concept
  • Collaboration that includes diverse perspectives helps avoid bias in the development of computing innovations
  • Interpersonal skills learned through collaboration: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution, and negotiation

How to Collaborate in Class

  • Pair Programming: When two programmers work together as a pair. One person (the driver) writes the code while the other person (the observer, pointer, or navigator) reviews the code as it’s typed.
  • Think-Pair-Share: In this process, students first think through the problem by themselves, share with a partner, and share with the whole class.
  • Comments
    • Communicate to yourself and your partner
    • Acknowledge code segments and media used from other sources
    • Differentiate contributions from all members of the group or pair
    • Clarify functionality of code
  • Online tools that allow programmers to collaborate:, GitHub, or a shared document or folder

MCQ Questions

I have completed the assigned MCQ questions for this week.