Why I wasn’t able to complete AWS requirements for this week:

The main error that I wasn’t able to get past was with running the command “sudo docker-compose up -d”. When I ran this command, I received a parsing error which means that the software can’t understand what I’m trying to do. This means that there is either something wrong with my formatting or the code.

Checking for Formatting Issues:

I searched up the error I received and read through a few forums on Stack Overflow. While reading through the comments, I noticed that most people were receiving the parsing error because they had unnecessary spaces in their code.

A few Methods I used to Check for any Unnecessary Spaces:

I even ran my code through a YAML validator to make sure there weren’t any mistakes in my code that violate syntax or incorrect indentations.

I even used the vi command to open a text editor. After creating it, I typed so I could see if there are any spaces that need to be removed. However, there weren’t any unnecessary spaces in the code.

Checking for Mistakes in my Code:

To check for mistakes in my code, I made sure to copy the correct template for the code and change the things that were needed to be changed. I changed the port number, the image name, and I added the directory to my project. I also checked with a few friends to make sure I wasn’t missing anything.

Asking Teacher for Help:

When I asked Mr Yeung for help, he told me to use the “sudo nano config.yml” command to edit the config.yml file and fix any problems in the code without using VSCode. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get my problem resolved because class was ending and he needed to leave.