Week 1 Table:

  Unit 3 Sections 1 - 2 Unit 3 Sections 3 - 4 Unit 3 Sections 5 - 7
Score 1 0.95 1
What I Learned and Practiced In unit 3 sections 1 - 2, I didn’t really learn anything, but I had tons of practice. One thing I practiced was assigning different variables to different values and setting variable equal to each other. I also practiced predicting what would be displayed after all the rearranging. I also practiced converting decimal to binary and binary to decimal. In unit 3 sections 3 - 4, I learned about sequencing, iteration, and selection. I also practiced using substrings and concatenation to work through practice problems. Lastly, I practiced setting variables to different number values and adding the variables to together and to each other to get different numbers assigned to the variables. In unit 3 sections 5 - 7, there were more problems about converting from binary to decimal and vice versa. We also learned about Not operator, AND operator, and OR operator truth tables. We also learned how to make a flowchart to represent a situation. We also learned how to create dictionaries.

Week 2 Table:

  Unit 3 Sections 8 and 10 Unit 3 Sections 9 and 11 Unit 3 Sections 12 - 13
Score 0.9 0.8 0.85
What I Learned and Practiced In unit 3 sections 8 and 10, I was able to use bubble sort to sort a list. I also learned how to reverse a list without using the already made reverse function in python. I also learned about while and for loops and the difference between them. In unit 3 sections 9 and 11, I learned about binary search and how it’s very efficient. I also learned about how to make a diagram to represent binary search called a binary search tree. Another thing I learned is that algorithms can be made in different ways and can accomplish the same task. In unit 3 sections 12-13, I learned about how a procedure can be made by combining several lines of code under a name that serves a purpose. I also learned about how I can make a procedure to move a robot to reach a desired destination.

Week 3 Table:

  Unit 3 Sections 14 - 15 Unit 3 Section 16 Unit 3 Sections 17 - 18
Score 1 N/A (my group) 0.9
What I Learned and Practiced In unit 3 sections 14 - 15, I learned about how libraries make coding more efficient because prewritten code can be used to simplify a program. I also learned about how procedures can be created so you don’t have to use a series of commands to do something every time. For example, creating a procedure for moving a robot backwards and using it when necessary is much more efficient that using something like “rotate right, rotate right, move forward” every time you want to make the robot move backwards. I learned about how documentation gives an explanation of what a certain procedure does. Lastly, I learned about the random library and all of its functions that allows us to randomly generate values in different ways. For the sections that my group was assigned, we learned about what a simulation is, the purpose they serve, and how they are made. We also learned about the difference between an experiment and simulation and why simulations are usually the better option. In unit 3 sections 12-13, I learned about how code can be changed and be made more efficient without affecting the result of the program. I also learned about 1 step, 2 step, 3 step, and 4 step algorithms. Finally, I learned about decidable and undecidable problems.